Saturday, May 10, 2008

I've been thinking about this for awhile.

And really, why shouldn't I join the seemingly endless parade of people who blog? I have things to say! And pictures to show! And family and friends to keep in touch with in a lazy, look-at-me fashion!

My brilliant idea for Mother's Day was to make a few videos to share with M's mother and mine. Rather than email them each video, I thought "I should post these somewhere and they can just go look!" Thus was born yet another self-indulgent blog with a readership in the single digits. I hope you enjoy, my family and friends!

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About Me

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I work for the Los Alamos County Library System and have for 16+ years. I teach at Pajarito Environmental Education Center and direct the children's choir at the UU church. I'm married and childfree by choice,