Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 2- The Floorening

I got home (had to work a half day) and found that Daddy (with Nutmeg helping, but only when power tools were not in use) was just fitting the biggest piece into place, having measured and cut and jiggered and figured for a couple of hours. I drilled the holes and screwed that piece to the floor joists while he went outside to cut "the easy piece", the one that was exactly rectangular.

Fitting one small piece carefully. . .

One of my jobs was to use a wood chisel to get glued on traces of particle board off the joists. The chemical combo of particle board/glue/water had made a hardwood that I feel sure could withstand the weight of an elephant. I used a belt sander in a few places.

This is the piece that took us most of the afternoon. It's hard (and boring) to explain, but because of the way floors and walls are done in mobile homes, we had to chip, chip, chip at the back edge where this piece was to go till I finally got it to fit about 6:30, after I had sent my poor exhausted father home around 5. Mother called a couple of times wondering if he was ever going to quit for the day. It was just so frustrating to be so close, but not quite there yet! I lured him away with a peach smoothie and told him not to come back until tomorrow! It was nice to be able to call him and tell him "I did it!"

The end of the work day, Friday. All subfloor is fitted and screwed (I was on my knees screwing half the afternoon!), small spaces between pieces have been filled with wood compound and the whole thing has been swept and is ready for sanding. Daddy will likely do most of that, as I tend to gouge with the belt sander- I just get so excited! Tools! Doing things! At my command! Wheeeee!

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About Me

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I work for the Los Alamos County Library System and have for 16+ years. I teach at Pajarito Environmental Education Center and direct the children's choir at the UU church. I'm married and childfree by choice,