Thursday, May 7, 2009

Replacing part of the floor in the master bath- day one

So, since half of our home is a manufactured home (OMG! TRAILER!), the floor is particle board. And when particle board gets wet, it get soft. And floors by tubs/showers so often do get wet. . . . And more soft, until finally there's no more floor, only a big hole by the bath tub that Matt actually stepped into last month. Also, our home was manufactured in 1972, so of course the whole place is carpeted, including bathrooms, excluding kitchen. Today, Daddy and I pulled up half the carpet in the master bath, ripped up the subfloor, began bracing the (thank goodness quite unsoggy!) floor joists and just for fun, removed the toilet to fix a small but constant leak. We ran into lots of exciting challenges, learned some things about What Lies Beneath and generally met The Day and made it ours. More to do tomorrow, but we're quite pleased with our progress thus far.

You'll notice that in addition to the mod, mod, mod carpet through the whole house, our groovy seventies home also has paneling throughout. Dark paneling. I'm going to paint the bathroom this summer! (I say that every summer, so surely I will get it done one of these times, right?)

1 comment:

Danea said...

Looks like some of the projects we have had sprang upon us. Our home was built in 1950 we have had lots fun with it also. It's a good thing you have your Dad to help you fix it right and save trouble in the future. Don't feel bad, I have been single-handedly painting the outside of our home for the last 4 years. I didn't even touch it last year. I only had Sundays off. I have fantasies of living in a house that's all painted and nicely decorated and just kicking back and relaxing. Ha! I said it was a fantasy.

About Me

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I work for the Los Alamos County Library System and have for 16+ years. I teach at Pajarito Environmental Education Center and direct the children's choir at the UU church. I'm married and childfree by choice,